Thursday, March 15, 2012

dependable authors

I can now safely say that while fan fictions are nice for a quick read there is nothing like the original!  I read Darcy's Voyage which was cute (that's about the only adjective I can really give it), however, it was predictable  and lacking the emotion of the original.  I dare say this was more for the writers amusement than the readers.

After being disappointed with such a book,  I decided to assuage my romantic reader's soul by picking up an author who rarely disappoints.  Stephanie Laurens books are always good for a good quick read.   Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue is the first book in her newest trilogy.  Yes, while the ending is  very predictable the difference between this one and the a fore mentioned one, is that the joy in these is the journey to the end.   I would love to know which author is your "old faithful".  Which author do you reach for when you want to read something that you know will not disappoint.


  1. My "old faithful" may well be the definition of "classic". Yep....Jane Austin..victorian romance with an aristocratic air that people either love or hate. An artist at heart, I need a book that is going to paint a picture with painstaking detail, yet leave enough room for the imagination to wander. There is an intriguing contradiction between what is "said" and "not said" is her books.

    1. I can most certainly agree that picking up a "classic" will more often than naught leave one well satisfied. Though how any one can hate Jane Austin is beyond me.
