Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Virgin's Auction

The Virgin's Auction by Amelia Hart brought out an interesting plot. The characters were well defined but the story could have used more actual dialogue between the parties instead all of their thoughts.  The subject matter is by no means light and can be even considered by the more conservative readers to verge on offensive.  I was, therefore, surprised to learn that the author claims to be a feminist who dislikes the degradation of female characters.  What can be more degrading than being forced to sell your "wedding night"?!?  Selling sex, regardless of the reason behind it, or whether or not the  John (and in the case of this story, James) treats you well after he's bought you, is prostitution.  And personally, I don't know many more things more degrading than that.
Despite the author's hypocrisie,  the story was a good one but can be better with a little tweaking.  I'd like to see the author develop her craft to a point where she can describe the thoughts and emotions of the character through dialogue and not lengthy "thought monologues".  All things considered, not bad read.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Her Unbridled Cowboy

Her Unbridled Cowboy (Harland County Series) by Donna Michaels is the second in this series.  It's an indie published book and boy did the "big boys" publishing houses miss out!!  The message, I believe, is a simple one.  We must learn to trust, and in the case of this story, relearn to trust, in order for our relationships to work.  Everyone has or will go through painful relationships, that make us want to protect our hearts and emotions, by keeping people at bay.  It's only natural to be more guarded after being hurt.  However, until we release the past, we won't be ready to move forward and receive what just may turn out to be a great future.